WARNING: Problem with Ethiopian Guide

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<p><em>Editor's Note:&nbsp;This post&nbsp;about an Ethiopian guide&nbsp;has been temporarily hidden.</em></p> <p>For any posting claiming fraud, dishonesty, mistreatment, incompetency, etc., by a travel firm or which simply includes criticisms of a type that the firm may wish to respond to, ITN's policy is to remove the posting while allowing the company a fair chance to address the complaint.</p> <p>ITN has a reputation for fairness and accuracy, and our reputation is very important to us. To that end, we can’t permit complaint posts on the message board until they’ve been investigated and the company involved has been given a chance to respond. This process takes time and we ask for your patience while we research complaints submitted to us.</p> <p>If, after a response has been received or a reasonable amount of time has passed, ITN decides to restore the posting, it will be followed by any response provided by the company.</p>