Lufthansa Airline?

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Our travel agent wants to book our flight to Greece via Lufthansa. Have there been recent postings or publication about regular flights with them? I usually fly with Delta, United or American Airlines and appreciate the economy upgrades. Are there issues I should be remembering with Lufthansa?

In my personal experience, Lufthansa service in almost every respect, exceeds that ofered by Delta, United or American. However I recently had an international flight with them on an Airbus and no movie or other entertainment was provided or offered.

I've never hesitated to book a Lufthansa flight. It is often a code-share with United and I much prefer its service and seat comfort. If you check various planes' seating plans on, you'll see that they divide the plane into much smaller cabins -- some with only 4 to 8 rows. This makes it a much nicer experience all around.

Fall 2011 I flew Continental to Europe and Lufthansa back. I much preferred Lufthansa for comfort, service and food.