“Show Songs Singing Holiday”

This item appears on page 49 of the April 2016 issue.

8 days, 7 nights in Lectoure, FRANCE, Aug. 22-29, 2016. Group members sing pop, light opera and show songs in 4-part harmony. Highlights: Sing in hotel most mornings/afternoons in Condom-en-Armagnac and Fleurance/Domaine d’Arton winery. £1,599 (near $2,265) ppdo. Single supp., £210 ($298). Nonactivity discount, £250 ($354). Authentic Adventures (Bonds Mill, Bristol Rd., Stonehouse, England, GL10 3RF, U.K.; phone +44
[0] 1453 823 328, www.authenticadventures.co.uk).