“China with Fuchsia Dunlop”

This item appears on page 45 of the December 2015 issue.

13 days, 12 nights with British cook specializing in Chinese cuisine, May 15-27, 2016. Highlights: In Beijing, outdoor market, noodle-making demonstration, picnic on Great Wall/in Chengdu, Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, spice market/in Shanghai, taste xiaolongbao (soup-filled dumplings)/Sichuan and Hangzhou culinary museums. From $7,390 ppdo. Single supp., $1,520. WildChina (803 Oriental Place, 9 East Dongfang Rd., Chao­yang District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China; in US, 888/902-8808, www.wildchina.com).