Securing laptops

This item appears on page 17 of the August 2009 issue.

Because we carry computers, we are careful never to leave them out when and where hotel staff could see them. If room service or the maid who does evening service knocks on the door (which has been secured with the inside lock plus the chain), we quickly hide these items in our suitcase and put the lid down while the staff is in the room. There’s no reason to tempt anyone.

Carry a small lock (one- to 1½-inch) with its matching key. If the safe in your room is not working or if you believe it might not be secure anyway or if there is no safe, simply put all your electronic items and important papers, such as travel documents and passports, inside your suitcase, lock it and take the key with you whenever you leave the hotel room. A hotel porter or maid is less likely to carry off the whole suitcase than to pocket a valuable item.

We carry such a lock and key for each suitcase we have.


Tulsa, OK