Inconsiderate behavior

This item appears on page 39 of the September 2008 issue.

Most of my travel is done with one travel partner or in a group of four, but I realize many travelers prefer the large-group experience and the camaraderie within the group.

My experiences around large tour groups have repeatedly been bad, however, with the tour members’ crowding into aisles in markets or at exits and entrances to buildings, being loud in restaurants and hotels, bumping into others and seeming to forget that there are people around who are not part of their group.

On my trip to Morocco in October ’07, there were doors slamming and loud talking as a large group checked out of our hotel around 6 a.m. Surely, they knew there were other guests in the hotel.

I will never forget the rudeness of a group traveling in a first-class railcar from Cusco to Puno in October ’06. On the car were several people traveling in pairs plus one large group. The people in the group yelled from one end of the car to the other and congregated in groups, bumping and knocking our chairs and standing over us. They seemed totally unaware that there was anyone else on the train.

In May ’07 I went on my first group trip, determined to NOT be rude to other travelers. For the most part, everyone was courteous, but even in my own group I saw cases where we blocked doors and became much too loud in public places.

I do understand that not all people within groups are rude. Maybe I am overly sensitive to this. I am sure this letter will stir up some readers to defend group travelers. Does anyone have a diplomatic way to deal with this sort of behavior or what is the attitude that one should have to bear it?

Write to Oblivious on Tour, c/o ITN, 2116 28th St., Sacramento, CA 95818, or e-mail


Cartersville, GA