Guatemala with Otupac Tours

I enjoyed reading Judith Anshin’s account of her junket to Guatemala (Jan. ’06, pg. 6). I traveled there one on one with tour operator/owner Enrico Caputo of Otupac Tours (Km. 200.1 Carretera a Coban, Santa Cruz Verapaz A.V., Guatemala; phone 502 7951 4444 or visit www.

We explored 12 Mayan sites, most of them remote and many in active excavation by archaeologists. Among the sites we visited were Takalik Abaj, Cancuen, Ceibal, Aguatecca, Pomona and San Claudio. Enrico’s passion for the Maya made the past a living entity.

The land cost for my April ’05 trip was $2,820. Airfare from Miami to Guatemala City was about $450.