
The entrance to the Dunbeg promontory fortress — Dingle Peninsula. Photos: Skurd
From the prehistoric to the present on the Dingle Peninsula (1 of 2 on Ireland).
Responding to Randy’s recent encouragement, travelers share their stories of “giving the gift of 
A Luther rose in the courtyard of Martin Luther’s birth house in Lutherstadt Eis

Dear Globetrotter:

Welcome to the 443rd issue of your monthly foreign-travel magazine.

I’m about to take you on a long journey that touches on a few financial matters. While this article may be extensive, I suggest that you do not overlook the last few paragraphs or Uncle Sam may come calling.

If you fly often, it’s likely you’re a member of an airline’s frequent-flyer program. Each time you take a flight with the airline, you’re credited with “frequent-flyer miles,”...

We happened upon these folk singers practicing in a restaurant in Budva,  Monten
Montenegro, home of muckalica
A simple picnic on the waterfront can give you a new perspective on the city
Putting together a picnic
Chief Jacob Bue and his grandson on Ambae.
The search for the real Bali Ha’i — tracing Michener’s footsteps in Vanuatu (1 of 2)
GeoEye-1 satellite image of part of Bangalore, India. Photo courtesy of eMap Int

Dear Globetrotter:

Welcome to the 442nd issue of your monthly foreign-travel magazine, the one that prints the reports you send in.

In the July issue, I wrote on the rules about having spare batteries, particularly lithium batteries, in checked luggage and carry-ons on planes. I then made this request of ITN subscribers: “After you next board a flight within or from India, or if you recently did so, tell us what regulations you were made aware of in regard to packing spare...

Sampling Europe’s regional spirits and liqueurs can be a cultural experience and
Distilled spirits — the popular “national” drinks of several countries