Travel Tidbits

This item appears on page 4 of the May 2008 issue.

Steers dressed for their blessing ceremony — Angar, Azores. Photo: Wardell

If you’ll be shopping overseas and want to know the Customs regulations on what you can bring back, visit the website — CLAUDIA REED, Las Vegas, NV

In Angara on the Azorean island of Terceira, the Festival of Saint John takes place for nine days in late June. Unfortunately for the jet-lagged, parades, concerts and festivities take place from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.! At the festival, we came upon a “blessing the cattle” ceremony, where six young steers, decked out in crowns and paper streamers, led a procession with a band, guitar player and singer. — CAROLE WARDELL, Spring Valley, NY

A cheetah in flight is a thing to see. We saw a cheetah chase a Thomson’s gazelle in the Masai Mara, Kenya. The cheetah got up to an astonishing speed almost at once. The gazelle was no slouch but did not rely on speed so much as quickness in turns. The cheetah was almost on the Tommy when it made a hard left and was almost in the next county by the time the cheetah could shift gears and resume what was, by then, a futile chase. — R.G. ARMSTRONG, Rocklin, CA