Travel Tidbits

 Although we found the weather in May very unpleasant, it did not deter us from enjoying our trip to Denmark. Daytime temperatures were 50°-55°F and it was windy, with rain showers, some of them heavy. Our daily attire consisted of heavy sweaters or sweatshirts with raincoats. Locals told us that April weather is very unpredictable: cold and rainy, then warm and sunny. — WALTER HUSE, Fort Meyers, FL

We saw horse-drawn wagons like this everywhere in Romania. Photo: Welsh

I would highly recommend visiting Mount Floyen in Bergen, Norway — if the weather is good. Don’t waste your money if visibility is poor. (In 2007, funicular tickets cost NOK70 [near $11] round trip.) — PATRICIA MASTROBUONO, Avalon, NJ

Unlike Travelocity and Expedia, is not biased toward certain airlines, I have found. You cannot purchase tickets at this website (go to the specific airline’s website to book your flights), but it will give you the most complete list of flight options for your itinerary. It also will warn you of long layovers and tell what kind of plane you’ll be flying on — very helpful on international flights. — CLAUDIA REED, Las Vegas, NV

On our trip to Romania one May, we traveled through beautiful rolling hills and valleys to Cluj Napoca. Frequently, we saw women and men hoeing weeds in garden patches and large fields. The one-horse, rubber-tire wagon was the mode of hauling and transportation. Plowing a single furrow in the field took one horse, one plow, one person guiding the horse and another person guiding the plow. — RALPH T. WELSH, Benicia, CA

The courtyard of the Grand College of Kraków, Poland, is virtually unchanged since 1491 when Copernicus was a student there. (Pope John Paul II was also a student — a few years later.) They have a map in the library from 1510 titled “the New Americas” that shows America just off the coast of Madagascar. — NORMAN HELBER, Scottsdale, AZ