Calling all readers! I wanna go back

By Brigid Duffy
This item appears on page 16 of the January 2022 issue.

Brigid Duffy of Dallas, Texas, wrote, “I’d like readers to shortly describe a place they’d like to return to and what its appeal is,” giving an example of her own (Nov. ’21, pg. 28).

What place outside of the US would YOU would like to visit again? Tell us approximately when you were there and — briefly — what it was like and what you found most appealing about it. Share any other observations you wish. 

Subscribers, email or write to I Wanna Go Back, c/o ITN, 2122 28th St., Sacramento, CA 95818. Include the mailing address where you receive ITN or, if you’re an online-only subscriber, your billing address. Photos are welcome (include captions).