Park free with FlightCar

This item appears on page 62 of the June 2015 issue.

Listing your car with FlightCar ( allows you to park for free at select airports and possibly earn a little money renting your car to other travelers. 

FlightCar lots are currently located at these airports: Boston Logan, Philadelphia, Washington Dulles, Baltimore, Austin, Dallas/Ft Worth, Denver, Seattle-Tacoma, Portland, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego.

To list your car, go to the website and click on “List a Car,” answer some basic questions about your car, including when you will be leaving it at the airport, and you will be emailed information on how to drop your car off in the FlightCar lot. Even if your car is not rented, parking at the airport will still be free.

Rental earnings are calculated based on miles driven and on the car’s make, model and year. The car must be less than 14 years old, have fewer than 150,000 miles on it and have a book value of less than $60,000.

On any car rented, FlightCar carries a $1,000,000 insurance policy covering bodily injury, damage or vandalism to the vehicle and any third-party property damaged by the car. FlightCar also reimburses for costs of repairing mechanical damage due to negligence or poor driving by the renter.

Renters must have no major violations on their driving records (such as running a red light, reckless driving, hit and run or driving while intoxicated), cannot have more than two violations or accidents in the last three years and must be over 18 (renters under 25 cannot rent a car with a market value over $30,000).