SteriPEN® sterilizes water

This item appears on page 56 of the March 2009 issue.

During my four weeks in Vietnam and one week in Cambodia, Nov. 28-Dec. 10, 2008, I was very pleased with a product I had purchased prior to leaving, the SteriPEN® Traveler (Hydro-Photon, Inc., Box 675, Blue Hill, ME 04614; 888/783-7473,

Throughout the trip, I did not buy any bottled water and instead drank tap water or ordered just “a glass of water” with each meal, in each case sterilizing it with the SteriPEN® before drinking.

Claiming to destroy 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and protozoa when used as directed, the SteriPEN® exceeds the US EPA Guide Standard & Protocol used for microbiological water purifiers.

It can purify up to a liter of water; however, I just used it in my water bottles (refilling from the tap) or glass. With three clicks of the switch, the ultraviolet light would do its job, and when the light went out the water was drinkable. For a glass or small bottle of water, it took about a minute.

You must use a water bottle with a wide mouth to allow for the width of the SteriPEN®. Also, a glass must be deep enough for the SteriPEN® indicator to be under water.

The hardest part was trying to get the restaurant staff to not bring me bottled water, as they were not used to foreigners drinking tap water.

Many people showed an interest in SteriPEN®, but only one family knew about it. After seeing me use it, the mother said she was really sorry she had not purchased one before they left home, because they had spent a LOT of money on bottled water. Not only do I not want to spend the money, the amount of plastic waste in every country is astounding, especially when they do not recycle or even, sometimes, pick up garbage.

The taste of the water from the hotel taps varied widely, from pleasant to having some strong mineral content. I found that if I let the water sit overnight and then purified it before I left the hotel, most of the unpleasant taste was gone.

Until now, unless you carried a bulky backpacking purifier (as I have), you were almost forced into buying bottled water. I paid about $80 for the SteriPEN®, but about three weeks later it was on sale at Costco for $39! It came with its own carrying case and easily fits in a pocket or small purse. I took the extra set of batteries on this trip but did not need them.

I did not get sick, although I am renowned among friends and coworkers for not falling ill, even when traveling to exotic destinations. My “secret,” which my doctor recommends AGAINST doing, is to brush my teeth with the tap water each day, starting on the day I arrive. I believe the small amount of water gets my system “tuned up” to the local bacteria.

Also, for the first week I take two Pepto-Bismol™ tablets in the morning and two in the evening, reducing that to just two in the morning after the first week. I do always carry Cipro as a backup.


Camano Island, WA