Wheelchair traveler

This item appears on page 63 of the September 2008 issue.

I like to travel. As a full-time wheelchair occupant, having had a stroke 10 years ago, I want to pass along a few observations for handicapped travelers.

I like cruises best. I did do 6,000 miles by auto in summer 2007, but I prefer ships. I have done two Caribbean cruises, in 2006 and 2007, and a 10-day cruise to Manaus, Brazil, in 2008.

Cruising on a 700- to 1,400-passenger ship is best, for me. An elevator is a must.

I prefer to take an aide along as a roommate to help me bathe and dress. I have found cabins for handicapped passengers to be large but varied in design and not always suited to my needs.

I find it best to have assigned seating and eat dinner at the early seating.

In ports, taking taxi tours is best since I don’t walk at all. When there is a tender landing, I stay aboard the ship, reading. Using the ship’s library is good for me; I like to read.

At age 79, I have been to all seven continents and all 50 states. Except for my stroke, I am in good health.

I would like to read more readers’ accounts of wheelchair travel.


Radford, VA